Howdy 👋 I'm Chad. I like to write code and to create resources that enable developers to work with code. I create technical talks & demos, and I've planned, workshopped, and optimized developer learning paths and curriculum.
I like thinking about how to optimize developer resources and documentation to reduce friction, encourage contributions and feedback, build community, tell a better story about a product, increase adoption, and in general get people excited about learning about and experimenting with technical things.
Senior Manager, Developer Relations
May 2023 - February 2025
- Centralized developer docs, examples, training, & product feedback strategy, leading to an overall increase in user traffic and smoother onboarding, by launching the Upsun Developer Center. Unified search across web properties, staged documentation migration and led workshops on larger multi-brand IA reorganization.
- Ensured Upsun trial path resiliency and a reduction in failed trial starts by managing the Upsun Demo Project, implementing a suite of end-to-end tests through the same core product features asked of users. Core delivery of rebrand launch (Upsun).
- Oversaw technical representation at events in collaboration with Events Marketing team, which meant internal team training and additional enablement of conference speakers and attendees.
- Managed team contributions and tool ownership during the launch of a white-label: Upsun. This included a second set of product documentation ( and the continued maintenance plan for it, starting examples and how those examples were consumed by CLI-powered quickstart commands, and revamped demo stories/resources to be used at Upsun-specific events.
- Managed Student Program pilot study through the pre-existing Open Source sponsorship and developer education materials initiatives.
- Delivered eleven technical blog posts related to product releases, RAG, DevOps integrations, continuous observability and performance. Delivered technical talks on core features and experiments at in-person and online conferences. Managed the launch of 7 episodes of the Change mode podcast.
Manager, Developer Relations
May 2021 - August 2023
- Managed engineer and technical writing reports through company acquisition (, which resulted in expanded remote team size (5) events schedule, documentation, and content responsibilities. Oversaw product demonstration materials across team, and scheduled in-person conference attendance for both and DevRel.
- Increased at-event enablement by reworking in-booth demo code and decks containing revamped product story. New process allowed consistency of message, faster integration of at-event feedback into revisions to messaging, and more quickly customizable resources for different conference audiences and technologies.
- Oversaw and contributed to product releases, expanded support, user requests, and larger reorganization initiatives in the and public documentation sites.
- Led the migration initiative for the Forum from Discourse, through tool discovery, and into Zendesk community. Contributed to community support within Slack and Discord following its migration there.
- Delivered seven technical blog posts related to product releases, multi-runtime decoupled architectures, DevOps integrations, and security. Delivered technical talks on core features and experiments at in-person and online conferences.
DevRel Engineer
October 2020 - May 2021
- Led the technical initiative to migrate, retool, and redesign the public documentation from Gitbook to Hugo, leveraging a custom theme. Acted as primary maintainer of API documentation.
- Planned and designed demo slides across major product features, which were pulled into both the main marketing site but also into at-event iPads for interactive sales enablement and at booth. Produced video recordings of each demo to embed alongside slides and transcripts within website.
- Delivered nine technical blog posts related to product releases, multi-runtime decoupled architectures, DevOps integrations, and security. Delivered technical talks on core features and experiments at in-person and online conferences. Acted as organizer and co-host for the launch of 83 episodes of the Deploy Friday podcast.
- Authored two and developer training paths, which allowed for the launching of the Developer Certification component of the Agency Partner Program. Developed and delivered an additional Strapi-focused workshop, first for a conference and then as supplemental training for that program.
- Strengthened community/partner relationships by bringing in-product visibility to community examples, and pushing a more general "Deploy on" button, which became a trackable open source code outreach mechanism.
Technical Writer
January 2019 - October 2020
- Revamped onboarding path and learning resources by delivering Getting Started guides - brought starter example visibility to the documentation.
- Increased Python support by expanding documentation to include central reference, more options for managing dependencies and (asynchronous) web servers, as well as tutorial starter examples for Django, Flask, and Wagtail.
- Released ten technical blog posts related to feature releases, runtime language support, and multi-application deployments. Delivered technical talks on core features and experiments at in-person and online conferences.
Florida Atlantic University
Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant
August 2023 - August 2018
- Led weekly lectures/study groups in psychology and neuroscience courses.
- Presented software models of human motion perception, with conclusions supported by eye-tracking and psychophysics experiments.
- Investigated evolutionary algorithms, reinforcement and other deep learning methods as they relate to the emergence of vision in biological nervous systems.
Florida Atlantic University
Graduate work, Complex Systems & Brain Sciences
University of California, Santa Barbara
B.S., Biopsychology
Additional details
Developer Relations. Developer education & enablement. Technical writing. Demos and example apps + their management. Technical blogs. Conference speaking. Video production. Docs-as-code. Developer advocacy. Developer course creation, training & certification. Content strategy. Community management. Event planning. Product feedback. Project management. Public speaking. Podcasting. Technical support. User experience. Design.
Django, FastAPI, Flask, Wagtail. Gatsby, Next.js, Express, Strapi. Drupal, WordPress. Hugo, Gitbook, Docusaurus, Nextra, Redocly, OpenAPI/Swagger, Postman, LaTeX. Discourse, Forem. Jira, Asana, ClickUp, Linear, OKRs. Figma, Canva. Buzzsprout, Podcastics. Impartner, Allbound. GitHub actions, GitLab pipelines. MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Headless Chrome, Elasticsearch, Opensearch, Meilisearch. SEO. Analytics. GA4, LookerStudio. Metabase. Docker. GitOps. CI/CD. DevOps. Infrastructure-as-code.
Documentation and DevRel strategy. Remote work and remote team cadence. Team management - DevRel, engineering, and technical writing reports . Project management. Event staffing, demo enablement, and lead follow-up.
Upon request; see my recommendations on LinkedIn.
Writing, reading, cooking, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, film and television.